Prabhupada World

Life Comes From Life English

Scientific Research is not disastrous unless and until we know the purpose behind it. Seeking truth is the default nature of human beings of which scientific research is a fraction, not everything. Here it is explained the pros and cons of the modern scientific process and the ideal directed way of using it for real advancement.

Life comes from life provides a critical look at widely-believed assumptions and theories held by modern scientists about the origin of life. Be it the giant particle accelerator or the big bang simulators all the theories and modern scientific experiments are searching for one truth - “Where does life originate from?”

Srila Prabhupada, one of the greatest philosophers and scholars of the twentieth century, analyses and uncovers the hidden and unfounded assumptions underlying two of modern science’s principal theories - the theories of the origin of life and the theory of diversity of biological species (theory of evolution).

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